Thanks and More Thanks

August 28, 2012  •  2 Comments

Another day, sunny and clear here in Ohhhhio! Was sitting here last night - well not here - not on the computer. I was on the couch. And I was thinking of the people we've come across in the last few years as well as the friends who have been so supporting of our photography. So I figured now would be a good a time as any to give them their credit where credit is due and extend our eternal thanks for all they have done. As I launch this website, I remember that we could not get as far as we have without the love and support of the people around us and they will forever be in my heart.

So here goes......


To Mike and Kirsty Wertz (Friends / Marketing Legends / Christmas Tree Gurus) - From the beginning, you've believed in me. You've always cheered us on and have been the super marketing legends who've always spread the word when we needed it. Thank you for being such great friends and for pushing me along when I've needed pushing. Love you guys and we are forever glad you are in our lives.


To Leslie Ruby Randall (Make Up Artist / Model / Vintage Clothing Princess) - Fate, serendipity, whatever it should be known as...I didn't know that from something so simple, a friendship would evolve. And I'm glad it did. As a model, a make up artist, an inspiration - you are outstanding. But above all else, you are our friend. And without your skills, we would still be floundering. Your work makes our work look better and we make a darn good team! You complete me and I always treasure our endless phone calls. xxx


To Krystal K (Queen of Vintage Picking / Model) - As with Leslie, I didn't know that I'd find such a great friend through business but I did! And I'm always glad our paths crossed. We cant thank you enough for feeding our vintage "stuff" addiction and for being the best tiny dancer that we know! Thanks for always digging up great locations for us and thanks for being a true friend and inspiration for so much of what I do.


To Cassie Wilson (Make Up Artist and Creative Visionary) - We never get to work together enough but when we do, I always enjoy it. Its been such a joy to see you grow with your work and your calm, laid back style helps me get through shoots and keeps me relaxed which is something I value very much. My dear owl friend, you are awesome and I hope we get more play dates on schedule in the future.


To Melissa McManus (Hair Stylist Guru / Giggle Monster) - Funny how the world works. We met, we laughed. We didn't see each other again for ages. We met again. We laughed some more. And while we hardly get to see each other, our random communications, phone calls and texts always keep me smiling. And when we work together, we are always blown away by what great work you do!!! Thank you for being our precious "Giggles" - we adore you.


To Quincy, Ashley H, Ashlee B, Caressa, Morgan, Emily B and Paige - The models who have inspired us, believed in us and given us 100% always. Our thanks always for the great company and the brilliance of each and every one of you.


To Laura Beth (Fashion Fiend / Vintage Picker / Best Etsy Seller Ever) - I'm always so glad we found each other. Thanks for finding me the treasures I need to build my collection, thanks for the texts with photos of clothing that you find, thanks for the bountiful excitement when you do find treasures - when you get excited, I get excited! One day we will meet my friend and we will shop like champions! You'll always have a friend here in Ohio.


To my In Laws - Thank you for all you do. Your support and love has been endless and you never laugh at my crazy ideas. I'm a lucky duck for having such great in laws and appreciate everything you've done for us over the years from dog sitting to getting me out of the house when I need it most and for listening when we've needed to have a whinge!! Love you lots!


My darling Abby - You cant read. You are a dog. But you are our treasured baby, our reason for smiling and you make us laugh every day. And the way you love to snuffle through bags of vintage clothing, the way you muscle in on shoots for that perfect photo op - it makes me crack up every time. You are more precious to me than anything on this earth.


Last but not least - my darling husband who has taught me so much. Words cant express how much you mean to me. You've supported me from the beginning and let me follow my dreams. Even when I've been slow at getting things done, you still believe it me and have been my biggest fan and my partner in crime. Without you, I'm only half of myself. I love you with all my heart and look forward to fulfilling our dreams for the future.


P.S. A quick shout out to Judith and Roger, Jess Gore, Nicole Roberts and other friends who support Big Gig. We cant thank you enough for all of what you do. We are lucky to have you as friends. xxxx


Thirsty Kirsty(non-registered)
Look at you, lil Miss Blogger! Way to go... Thanks for the shout out. We live your work, your work ethic, and your unmatched style with attention to detail. Now go bigger!
You forgot youeself! So let me add a little thanks!
Sam- Thank you for being so amazing! You are unique at what you do, your combination of vintage tre asures with the ideas that churn in your mind! You never fail to impress with your ideas and true passion! You have helped keep me motivated and have created big shoes for other photographers to fill! As much fun as shoots are with you and Scott, you are at the top of the professional category! Thank you for not only being a positive professional, but a friend I hope to keep throughout life. Your always there to help get me through some challenging obstacles life has thrown my way but also being there to help find joy in the funny things life brings! It will never fail if I am collecting firewood or buying cottage cheese to stop and smile and think of how random events remind me of you!
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