A Vintage Year #8 - I Will Remember You

February 13, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

It must be love, love love! Yes folks - that time of the year is here which is either dreaded or anticipated by many. Valentines Day!!!! A day for love, hand holding, chocolate, flowers....or if you've been married 13 years, maybe a hug and a sleep in and a trip to Steak and Shake. Ha, anyway, whichever way you choose to honor the day of love, I hope it is a wonderful one.

I'm glad I'm typing out this blog today - the sun has been out a little and it's not been a bad day at all considering it's Friday the 13th. Had I typed this yesterday, I'd have been putting up photos of daggers, black souls and a gloomy pit of muck since I was in the mother of all foul moods! The day just wasn't a great one and I struggled all day to dig myself out of the nasty funk I was in.

Yet on Friday the 13th, I'm positively Susie Sunshine? Go figure that one out!!!!

It's been a little hectic since last weeks bloggy with social events, work related things to do and other odds and ends and I've felt a little like a hamster on a spinning wheel. So many thoughts swirling through the head that I want to type down on here but where to start? I admit I have felt a little guilty at times for putting down my thoughts on here, especially when they are a little on the dark side...but since I'm usually the type of person who skims across the shiny glass of life, it's nice to have a place where I can dig a little deeper and open up the box of truth that dwells within. Life isn't all glitter and unicorns and rainbows although it sure would be grand if it was.

I received sad news on Friday night. And while it's not really a story that I feel should be told just now, my heart was a little heavier for getting the news that someone from my early Australian years had passed away. The mother of a dear childhood friend is now a shining star in the sky and I mourn for the family and I mourn for the wonderful lady who was and still is a strong presence in my memories. Rest in peace Mrs G - you will always be remembered by me with love.

"Those we love remain with us for love itself lives on, and cherished memories never fade because a loved one is gone.

Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there is memory, they'll live on in the heart"

 - Author Unknown -


So the weekend was a busy one down at the store as we dropped some new items in there, did a tidy up and caught up with a load of people. Husband was very excited as we had ordered a custom made desk for our office - hand crafted by a wonderful vendor at Antiques Village. It's a beautiful piece made out of reclaimed wood and materials, a place for the MOTH to sit and write, check emails and hopefully be inspired. This "new" piece of course meant rearranging the office space and making room as well as getting an appropriate chair that would suit the style of the desk. So much of the weekend revolved around all that fun. Then a meeting with some fellow aviators to discuss a vintage aviation event that is being put together by my Father in Law and those of us who are willing to pitch in. It's going to be a fun event in the later end of Summer and I'll be sure to add more information here as time goes on because it's going to be open to the public and will offer all sorts of wonderful things for families to do.

Ah, I feel a little forgetful but now I remember one of the important moments this week.....by golly how could I forget? Tuesday was quite an important day as it was time for me to renew my green card!!! As it was due to expire in a few short months, it was of utmost importance to get this process done so I could sign up for ten more years legally. I admit, it was such a treat to have the MOTH to take the day off to be with me so we could trundle down to the INS to get this task done. He's not one to play hooky from work at all, nor take a day off unless it was essential and I guess he feels that keeping me around is essential because he scheduled the day off and despite the gravity of the errand, we knew we could sneak in some fun times too on that day - which involved a trip to Jungle Jim's to get some tasty treats from home.

Now for those whom wonder about my status in this country, I can assure you that I am legally entitled to be here. I pay taxes and do all the things that most citizens of this country can do. Except vote or do jury duty. And I will say now, I get a little uncomfortable when people ask me why I've not applied to become an American citizen - that is something I cannot answer properly nor should I feel the need to do so. I do love this country and have a great appreciation for all that I have here, I do not take being here lightly and have a deep gratitude for all the opportunities I've had. I came here just before 9/11 and have seen many changes in the USA - I've seen the good and I've seen the bad. It just remains my choice at this point in time to not give up my status as an Australian, I'll always be an Aussie in my heart regardless of what a piece of paper says so I don't feel there is a need at this point in life to change my status. Maybe one day that will change but for now....well.....oi oi oi!

Anyway, at Jungle Jim's, I stocked up on a ton of delicious treats and got home and loaded up the pantry and then sat there and thought "Well, bugger, thats a lot of food for just two people!" which then lead me to think about the Australian lifestyle from my childhood and traditions that are still to this day a vital part of many Australians hearts - something that I guess stems from the English past that many have. The tradition of morning/afternoon tea or dropping into someones house for a "cuppa". And I thought about how here in this day and age, people don't seem to be very comfortable with the concept of it all - it's never been something I've seen much of in the near 14 years I've lived here. People go out for lunch, sure...or they meet at a place for coffee and a danish but it's rare to see people visit each others homes on a week day just for that quick cup of tea and a snack. 

And that made me a little sad. It's a practice I'd love to see revived but there are a few little issues at my end to poke holes in the concept. 

A. I don't drink tea.

B. I don't drink coffee.

C. I don't have children.

Now A and B are easy fixes - I can make a mean dirty mocha which is the frou frou version of coffee. Just a bottled Starbucks frappe laced with Baileys and bingo, job done. Or failing that, a mimosa and I don't know too many people who will turn up their noses at a mimosa, no matter what the time of the day it is.

But C - well now thats tricky. As a young lass, I recall many hours of going to peoples houses with my Mum so she could "pop in for a cuppa". Sometimes these people were elderly and I was content to play or read, sometimes these people had children that I knew so we would just run amok and play while our mothers would sit there and chatter over a cuppa and a biscuit (aka cookie). And sometimes people would come to our house for a cuppa. Never long visits, just a drop by of adults to each others homes to say hello and enjoy a beverage and snack. It's just the way things were done and even going back home for visits now, we still see the concept of stopping for an afternoon cuppa quite often.

As many around me all have children and have such busy lives, I sometimes feel like a chipped tea cup, left on the shelf. And a huge difference between now and the years of my childhood is that back then, more women were stay at home Mums. So sadly, a tradition that I'd love see come to life over here is something I don't feel would be achievable. But that said - if you happen to be in the area on any given Friday and it's the afternoon, do feel free to stop by because I plan to bake something each Friday morning and if people turn up in the afternoon, thats awesome. If not, the MOTH will have something yummy for the weekend to eat.

So on the topic of baking and treats - I made some little love heart shaped snacks today in honor of Valentines Day tomorrow. I've just recently discovered the endless joys of Pinterest - GASP - I know right? You'd think I'd have been on there long before now. And yes, while I've had an account for a few years, I've never actively used it since I was wary of being too influenced by others ideas as well as soaking up way too much time looking when I could be doing something productive.

Well, it's winter. It's cold. What else is a girl supposed to do? So I get on Pinterest, make some boards, search for things. And my head is about to EXPLODE!!!! I love it!!! Recipes! Crafts! Inspiration! I want to build an entire house filled with home made industrial furnishings. I read how to create polished concrete floors - I WANNA DO THAT!!! O.M.G. - my life will never be the same.

Where was I? SQUIRREL!!! Yes, I'm easily distracted. So I found a nice and easy recipe for those little jam bites. 

1 pack of rolled pie pastry.

Jam of your choosing (I used strawberry and passionfruit)

A little milk to brush over the hearts

A little sugar to sprinkle over the top.

*Heat oven to 370.

Cut out hearts with a cookie cutter. Place a little blob of jam in the middle of a heart and put another heart on top. Seal with a fork pressed around the edges. Brush milk on tops and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Remove and cool on rack for as long as desired. Eat.

How easy peasy is that? 

Reminds me a bit of these turnovers my Mum used to make when I was young - similar concept but on a larger scale where these things were about the size of a half sandwich and filled with loads and loads of jam. And I have to say, the idea of them then and now makes my tummy turn and not in a good way. Nice concept but so sickly sweet - barf. Thank goodness Mum never taught me how to make those and only got me skilled in the fine art of schnitzel. Which is what I plan on making for dinner tonight so best I head off for now and get a few quick chores done before prepping dinner.

While I'm sure I've got more rambling thoughts running through my head and other things I'd like to say, I shall keep these reserved for next week.

Take care all and have a wonderful day tomorrow - snuggle up to a sweetheart and celebrate a day of love.


Sam I Am. xxxx









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